09 March 2016
09 Mar 2016

Meeting of Lay Dehonians in Vietnam

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2016-03-09 VIE

Last February 2, 2016, the representatives of Lay Dehonians’ movement from Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines met in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. One of the topics discussed during that meeting was the implementation of the Spiritual Path (Iter Formativo) in their respective countries. The participants shared their insights and difficulties in translating it into the Asian context, which is different from other continents. The Philippines was represented by Fr. Rechie Gier, SCJ and Atty Grace Escobia.

During the next meeting, which will be held in August this year in Indonesia, the participants will choose the Coordinator for Asia and discuss the preparations for the Dehonian Family Gathering in May 2017 in Rome.

Fr. Rechie Gier, SCJ, in the video below, shares his observations regarding that meeting.


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