07 February 2017
07 Feb 2017

Mozambique: Canonical visitation

by  Abel Baptista Sicanso, scj

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Fr. General – Heiner Wilmer and Fr. Léopold, the councilor responsible for the African region, visited the Province of Mozambique from January 7-19. It was Fr. General’s first visit to the province and the country.

Welcoming them on their arrival was Fr. Giuseppe Meoni who then accompanied them to Nampula. From there they began their visitation, accompanied by Fr. Carlos Loso.

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The Dehonian presence in Mozambique began 70 years ago (as of March); the province has been in existence approximately 20 years. The number of young people in formation is quite large, but at the moment the province suffers from a lack of personnel available for many of significant tasks of the life of the province. The members of the province include 25 priests, one brother and nine students in theology who are currently studying in South Africa. In addition, there are 30 seminarians in Quelimane and 12 philosophy students in Maputo, Quelimane, Gurué, Milevane, Alto Molocue and Nampula.

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The period devoted to the Province of Mozambique was brief, but despite this, Fr. General and Fr. Léopold managed to visit all of the communities and talk individually with each of the confreres. They were also able to take part in the Provincial Assembly, which was held January 9-11.

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The moments of personal dialogue and sharing were very helpful and appreciated; Fr. General and Fr. Léopold gave advice for each and encouraged us to carry on with community projects and the work of the province and congregation in a spirit of Sint Unum, which should always be the goal of our religious life.

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Not missed was an opportunity to share in a fraternal moment with the Compagnia Missionaria present in Mozambique.

After their time in the Province of Mozambique, Fr. General and Fr. Léopold traveled to the District of Angola to continue their visitations.

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